缓慢而稳定? 不适合这只穴居乌龟

环保主义者加速地鼠龟的回归, 沿途帮助了数百个其他物种.

虽然它似乎把它的家背在背上, the gopher tortoise spends most of its time nearly a dozen feet underground.

栖息在海岸平原沙丘下的洞穴深处, the gopher tortoise is uplifting the spirits of environmental activists around the country. 那是因为在2022年10月 U.S. 鱼类和野生动物管理局宣布 the gopher tortoise was no longer an endangered species across most of its range in the 美国东南部.

“It’s a huge success story that everyone could kind of rally around,丽莎·洛德说, 保护项目主任 棵长叶联盟稀疏, an organization dedicated to ensuring a sustainable future for longleaf pine ecosystems.

的 population rebound is—in part—reflective of an immense and collaborative effort from conservationists. That includes the commitment from the Gopher Tortoise Conservation Initiative to 购买并保护10万英亩土地 地鼠龟栖息地.

的 urgency to protect the gopher tortoise is not misplaced, because this is not an ordinary reptile.


地鼠龟的名字很贴切,它以善于挖掘而闻名. On average, the tortoise’s burrows can extend up to 10 feet deep and stretch 30 feet long. Jason Alstad是该组织的土地管理协调员 格鲁吉亚保护 said the cool, dark den is enjoyed by the gopher tortoise and its many friends.

图片来源:Randy Tate

“从响尾蛇到蟋蟀,你都能找到, just about anything you could imagine is trying to get out of the summer heat, 在那里避难,阿尔斯塔德说.

More than 350 different animal and insect species are dependent on the underground tunnels the gopher tortoise hollows out. 作为食草动物, 乌龟是一个彬彬有礼的主人, 对吃或威胁它的来访者不感兴趣. In fact, one could easily believe the tortoise might just enjoy the company.

地鼠龟原产于长叶松生态系统, 这是一种曾经在美国东南部占主导地位的森林类型. 的 植加拿大28回水节基金会 is engaged in multiple reforestation projects to revive the presence of longleaf pine and, 通过扩展, 地鼠龟的出现. It’s a relief to the hundreds of other wildlife species that rely on the tortoise’s burrows to escape not only the heat but fires as well.

在长叶松林中, 火灾不被认为是一个值得关注的问题, 而是作为净化生态系统的重要工具. 然而, much of the longleaf pine ecosystem—and the gopher tortoise range—is on private lands, 让土地所有者决定使用规定的燃烧方式. Alstad admits sometimes it can be difficult to convince landowners that setting fire to their land is the right move.

“We’re kind of having a prescribed fire shortage where we’re not having enough landowners manage their habitat with fire,阿尔斯塔德说. “的se prescribed fires, when done right, do exactly what they’re supposed to do. 就像任何事情一样,这是一个教育的过程. 你必须教育土地所有者.”

不使用处方烧伤, landowners could potentially short-change the biodiversity of the ecosystem.

“很多陆地物种, forbs and other grasses that a lot of the gopher tortoises rely on to eat are promoted with fire,阿尔斯塔德说.

通过限制地鼠龟繁殖所需的资源, landowners could actually be short-changing themselves of the economic benefits the animal can offer.


Many landowners choose to protect threatened species on their property through 安全港协议. 的 incentive program ensures private landowners can manage their land for conservation of the species, 没有被濒危物种法处罚的风险.

“We’re able to demonstrate you can manage longleaf and you can have environmental benefits and this economic benefit simultaneously,洛德解释道.

但地鼠龟的好处也在其他方面得到了回报. Because the tortoise is able to house both predators and prey in its burrows, it helps enforce a natural order that keeps the ecosystem in balance. For example, Alstad said eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are frequent tenants in tortoise burrows.

“的re’s people out there that think the only good snake is a dead snake,阿尔斯塔德说. “在现实, a really large rattlesnake in a gopher tortoise burrow is a sign of a really healthy ecosystem and [the snakes] are keeping a lot of rodents and other species in check that could come and damage your crops and wreak havoc on you from an economic standpoint.”

It’s just one example of how the gopher tortoise helps bind this ecosystem together. 当你拉线的时候, 当你让地鼠龟数量减少, 它周围的环境开始受到影响.

Alstad said that’s why he’s encouraged by the recent rebound in the number of gopher tortoises. He said it’s an indication that the work of environmental activists is having a real impact and that private landowners are committing to their role as stewards and caretakers.

“的 fact that these producers are living in harmony with [gopher tortoises], 这表明它是可行的,阿尔斯塔德说. “如果你能让足够多的人达成共识, 它所带来的保护效益是惊人的.”


我们在世界各地种加拿大28回水, but focus our efforts on key regions where trees can do the most good. 在美国东南部, we’re supporting efforts to restore longleaf pine and other native species at a massive scale. 因为大部分土地都是私人所有, the 植加拿大28回水节基金会 is working with landowners and public entities alike to further reforestation efforts.




